“The negative reports may or may not be true, but Hashem is here in Eretz Yisrael, inviting us to return along with the nearly 7 million brethren who have already done so”
“They aren’t all ‘going off’ the derech. Some of them were never on it to begin with”
The future of Klal Yisrael is in Israel. Let’s not forget that, even for a moment.
“I don’t look down at people for owning smartphones, but I know that I speak for thousands of Mishpacha readers who are not ‘screen focused'”
“Kids have to know that there are rules in the house. The Torah is a guideline from Hashem, Who has the real unconditional love”
“He was asked twice about the recovery of ‘bodies, both times to which he replied, ‘We recovered people. Unfortunately, they were not alive.’ “