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Gershon Burstyn
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Gershon Burstyn
Global View
Gershon Burstyn
Global View
Gershon Burstyn
Global View
Gershon Burstyn
Build your best
If nothing else, the Fifth World Holocaust Forum 2020 showed the world that the Jewish People are not alone Photo: Flash 90 Acynic might say that last week’s gathering of world leaders at Yad Vashem was a convenient photo op, a public beating of the chests with little meaning, a hypocritical show of contrition by
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Build your best
Read these tips, and prepare to up your cutlet game.
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Oneg Shabbos
Now that he was in the Czar’s army, he knew he’d take revenge and right the injustice done by none other than his own brother
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Oneg Shabbos
For the sake of saving a life, said Rav Chaim HaLevi of Brisk, we must try everything, even something that goes against logic, even on Yom Kippur
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
The Road Home
And I… I’m okay being me, even if I’m not entirely sure who that is
Malka Winner
The Road Home
Somehow, it’s deeply reassuring that the people packing us up are Our People
Malka Winner
Under 18 Minutes
A single moment can make all the difference between chometz and matzah, between success and failure. They raced the clock — and beat it!
Shoshana Neumann
Under 18 Minutes
 A single moment can make all the difference between chometz and matzah, between success and failure. They raced the clock — and beat it!
Beth Perkel
In His Own Words
Florist Amerique Ashear of Lakewood is happy to share his tips
Yosef Herz
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Most Americans have probably concluded that the entire exercise is political theater

By Gershon Burstyn

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It could make Israel’s top leadership become outlaws and international war criminals

By Gershon Burstyn

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Schiff, Feldman, Nadler, Gerhardt… why impeachment is bad for the Jews

By Gershon Burstyn

Global View

Is it a coincidence that the continent where six million Jews died is now protecting Iran, the country that has made it a mission to wipe out the State of Israel?

By Gershon Burstyn

Global View

Photo: AP/IMAGES I t would be easy to dismiss the protest movements in Lebanon and Iraq as a minor news item — disgruntled demonstrators complaining about the price of bread soon to be crushed by their countries’ militaries. But it’s also possible that something real is brewing in Beirut and Baghdad, something that might threaten Iran’s

By Gershon Burstyn

Global View

The problem here is that Columbia would have never invited a world leader with a professed hate of Muslims, or immigrants, or any of the groups that the liberal vanguard has all but sainted

By Gershon Burstyn