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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
Friendship Fix
I don’t want her to feel like she can’t lean on me because I don’t lean on her
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Friendship Fix
The best way to end the conversation without making an issue or insulting anyone is to subtly change the topic
Shoshana Itzkowitz
A Face and A Place
Rebbe Gedalya Moshe was buried in one of the tiny graveyards in a corner of the city. Who knew of it’s power?
Hodayah Cohen
Oneg Shabbos
Now that he was in the Czar’s army, he knew he’d take revenge and right the injustice done by none other than his own brother
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Oneg Shabbos
For the sake of saving a life, said Rav Chaim HaLevi of Brisk, we must try everything, even something that goes against logic, even on Yom Kippur
Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman
Stick a pin in the phonebook. See where it lands. Make the call. Does everyone have a story? Five writers find out
Musia Slavin
Stick a pin in the phonebook. See where it lands. Make the call. Does everyone have a story? Five writers find out
Esther Kurtz
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Hey, Deena! I saw your post about the Succos tour, and ……… GUESS WHAT?! You totally convinced me and I think I’m signing up!

By Esty Heller

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Lemongrass: Sounds sick to me. Overstepping bounds for sure. Find a new therapist

By Esty Heller

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Over time, Pessie had come to recognize that functional was relative, and the Hersko clan didn’t suffer from the last-minute frenzied Shabbos prep

By Esty Heller

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There was a crackle on the line, and the voice coming through the speaker was muffled. Muffled, but familiar

By Esty Heller

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Did they realize what a loss they’d experienced? Did they realize this was forever, this odd void they could hardly identify, being so young and clueless?

By Esty Heller

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Hindy waddled out of the water, flailing her arms. “My knee — it’s b-b-burning!”

By Esty Heller