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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
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Esty Heller
Screen Safer
“I want to help you, Mendy,” I said. “But this isn’t the best place for this conversation”
Bayla Hersher
Screen Safer
Without waiting for me to ask a single question, everything that led up to Chesky’s expulsion came tumbling out
Bayla Hersher
True Account
I knew right then that if I was saved, I would do complete teshuvah
Chananel Shapiro
True Account
I was a Jew, I knew that, but I’d also copped out on my people, my team. As a Jew, did I have the heart of a field mouse?
Cindy Scarr
Pantry Makes Perfect
Something not too complex, yet flavorful enough to be special
Faigy Grossmann
Pantry Makes Perfect
This fish dish takes just a few minutes to prepare — definitely appreciated when preparing so many Yom Tov dishes
Faigy Grossmann
My Lightning Flash
Six women share a moment that illuminated their path
Mishpacha Contributors
My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women share a moment that illuminated their path
Shoshana Schwartz
War Diaries
Even in Hamas’s tunnels, Sapir Cohen found faith and fortitude. Months after her release, she has a message she wants to share with Am Yisrael
Elana Moskowitz
War Diaries
Why would anyone keep their home so gloomy when free sunlight was readily available?
Emuna Stein
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“Listen to me, Pessie. This is one big mistake, and you’re going to regret it. You need to talk him out of it. You can’t let this happen”

By Esty Heller

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Let them talk. In a strange way, it was fun to make everyone wonder. The boss’s son-in-law, what happened?

By Esty Heller

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“I am hyper excited to entertain 39 challah bakers tonight, you have no idea. Read my lips, you’re so going to regret this”

By Esty Heller

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Pessie watched him leave with mounting suspicion. Yochi offering to put away the leichter without a reminder — something was terribly off

By Esty Heller

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You’re showing her that her father’s family exists, which is so important for her sense of self, for a healthy upbringing

By Esty Heller

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No, a picture wouldn’t do justice. This called for footage. Yochi held his phone up

By Esty Heller