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Rachel Ginsberg and Simcha Stern
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Eli Steinberg
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C.S. Teitelbaum
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Menachem Pines
Gedalia Guttentag
Yosef Chaim's Adventures
Then I had one of my ideas. All my ideas are good, but this was especially good. It was an idea that would solve my two problems in one shot
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Read-Along Storytime
“Let’s make a carnival! We’ll charge an entry fee, and make loads of cash!”
R. Atkins
Read-Along Storytime
As Israel’s ambassador Ron Dermer is about to leave his Washington posting after seven years, he recaps the challenges and triumphs of a transformative term   Photos: Eli Greengart, APImages, GPO Even measured against the crises that defined the Netanyahu-Obama relationship until then, it was a confrontation like nothing that Washington had seen. Tension between
R. Atkins
On Site
Artists from around the world give their own expression to the horrors of October 7
Barbara Bensoussan
On Site
Am I crazy to be navigating the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan, while the Taliban warlords are watching my every move? 
Benny Waxler
Living Room
Family First reader Ita Hausman shares how she gets creative with chicken cutlets
Living Room
Tips from the experts to help you weather the chill this season
Portrait of a Family
“Hmm?” Tamar replied, closing her binder and looking up to see who was calling her name. Oh, Michal
Malka Grunhaus
Portrait of a Family
Even with all the arguing, she thought, the table felt so… friendly. They could say whatever they wanted; the warmth, the love, was still there
Malka Grunhaus
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How did the Greeks actually contaminate all that oil, except for one small pach, considering that tumah, spiritual defilement, has very specific parameters?

By Simcha Stern

Magazine Feature

One year after a deadly shooting, Moishe Dovid Ferencz is back behind the counter

By Sandy Eller

Magazine Feature

In the eyes of the world, Rabbi Cohen’s men have reached their rock bottom, but in the eyes of those inmates, he’s an angel sent from Above to confirm their indelible humanity

By Yaakov Amsalem

Magazine Feature

Forty years later, Rav Yitzchok Hutner still speaks to our souls

By Yisroel Besser

Magazine Feature

Was the charismatic, elderly Frenchwoman a supercentenarian or merely a super-fraudster?

By Simcha Stern

Magazine Feature

The secret squad trained to rescue Morocco’s Jews

By Yaakov Amsalem