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Yisroel Besser
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Refoel Pride
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Eytan Kobre
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Barbara Bensoussan
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Yonoson Rosenblum
The Art of the Deal
White House envoy Avi Berkowitz traces the story behind the historic Israel-UAE deal
Gedalia Guttentag
The Art of the Deal
The diplomatic coup announced by Trumpian tweet last week to a stunned world began only a few months ago on the olive-green hills of Judea and Samaria
Gedalia Guttentag
Catching up With
Falsely accused of espionage, David Tenenbaum is still seeking closure
Binyamin Rose
Catching up With
"Being an Orthodox Jew is not a burden. It’s a privilege and it gives a person a meaningful and fulfilling life”
Binyamin Rose
 Larry Franklin lost a storied defense career after sounding the warning on Iran Photos: John Sherwood Larry Franklin, who had a storied career as a US defense intelligence analyst, including a stint as head of the Iran desk in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, had every reason to be optimistic he would be
Faigy Grossmann
Man With a Pan
I love to cook, so pulling off a full Shabbos should be easy, right?
Rabbi Aharon Nikop
Man With a Pan
A true father-in-law/son-in-law bonding experience
Shia Klein and Zevi Berkovich
Care to Join
Somehow, between labor and delivery, I’d learned that Nava is extremely left-wing secular. Now I commented, “Whoa, it must be really hard to work here in a snowstorm”
Leah Greene
Care to Join
I checked the time. By now, my husband should have taken off. I dialed his number anyway. Of course, his phone was off
Leah Greene
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In Reb Yankel Rosenbaum’s world, there weren’t neat boxes labeled mechanech or askan or mekarev — there was just one box: doing what Hashem wants

By Gedalia Guttentag

Magazine Feature

Rabbi Paysach Freedman cuts red tape and opens doors for Anglos in Israel 

By Gedalia Guttentag

Magazine Feature

On his 13th yahrtzeit this 17 Adar, a tribute to the indefatigable Reb Eli Teitelbaum

By Riki Goldstein

Magazine Feature

At three auctions we visited, the products might be different, yet the fever’s all the same

By Yosef Zoimen

Magazine Feature

Sing, dance, and reconnect along with the Thank You Hashem nation

By Barbara Bensoussan

Magazine Feature

Another glimpse at how certified products get to your table from the corners of the world

By Riki Goldstein