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Family Matters
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
Joan Zlotnick
I understand that she wants to tell me something. I stroke her hand and force myself to be patient as she struggles to form words
Tovy Mann
“Mommy? Mommy!” I say. Two tears travel slowly down her face. I jump up and bend closer to her. “Ima! Ima! Mommy’s crying!”
Tovy Mann
Friendship Fix
I don’t want her to feel like she can’t lean on me because I don’t lean on her
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Friendship Fix
The best way to end the conversation without making an issue or insulting anyone is to subtly change the topic
Shoshana Itzkowitz
The Money Trap
I was the perfect dupe; the case study for Credit Card Marketing 101. Until it all came crashing down on me and I risked losing everything
Gila Arnold
The Money Trap
They were living in Israel, but their spending habits were still American. It was a financial disaster waiting to happen
Gila Arnold
Speak Up
"As long as everyone’s chilled and happy (and you take along good food J) you can have fun anywhere!"
Elky Pascal
Podcast: The Builders
Part 1: The Quiet Lion of Vilna Part 2: Building the Chareidi World
Podcast: The Builders
When you’re out there on your own, after almost half a century of marriage, as I was, socializing is very complicated   Caregivers, depending on their circumstances, might occasionally find themselves navigating the social landscape on their own. Widows have to do this this every single time. For caregivers, there’s the problem of dealing with
Gedalia Guttentag and Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Galinsky
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Family Matters

Had the situation been reversed, I know that my husband z”l would’ve taken even better care of me than I did of him

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Matters

I think the reason she chose me to be her confidante is obvious: I’d been a caregiver. I’d been there. I would get it

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Matters

Once again, though, my assumption that this was the worst thing you could ever do to a loved one proved false

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Matters

After about a year, it became clear to me that my husband belonged in a day-care program, but, of course, this was not something he’d agree to — and I knew better than to suggest it

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Matters

I know this sounds unbelievable. A doctor who, for a year, would advise me — a person he’d never met — over the phone about a patient he had never seen?

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Matters

In these instances, my instinct to spare my children and grandchildren was outweighed by my desperation

By Joan Zlotnick