Latest Etched in Memory: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Etched in Memory: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Family First Readers
Eye on Europe
Anti-Israel provocateur George Galloway exploits a gap in Labour to finagle a return to Parliament
Yoni Klajn
Eye on Europe
North London's Jewish community is shaken by a violent attack
Yoni Klajn
A Promise Kept
My companions  — along with the bag I was counting on to keep us alive — vanished in the chaos
Yael Schuster
A Promise Kept
We’d created a haven for them to unburden their hearts, and sent them away with the sweetness of home cooking
Millie Samson
Even though it’s not a medical condition, it’s not easy to be a teenager with hair getting thinner and thinner
Shoshana Itzkowitz
An eating disorder is a mental illness where a person refuses to eat or eats as minimally as they can
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Portrait of a Family
“Hmm?” Tamar replied, closing her binder and looking up to see who was calling her name. Oh, Michal
Malka Grunhaus
Portrait of a Family
Even with all the arguing, she thought, the table felt so… friendly. They could say whatever they wanted; the warmth, the love, was still there
Malka Grunhaus
Dear Readers
I'm already imagining the letters we'll get in response to this week's cover story
Bassi Gruen
More Etched in Memory: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Etched in Memory: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784

Sometimes there are events so monumental they’re perfectly preserved as a snapshot, never forgotten. 5 readers share the moments forever

By Family First Readers