Latest Encore
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Unlock Your Heart
Awash in questions, drowning in doubt, we're still cherished
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Unlock Your Heart
How can we find a pathway into the Yamim Noraim with this mixture of guilt, fear, and paralysis?
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Family Farce: Purim 5782
"Picky eaters? That concept was invented circa 2010; it simply did not exist when we were raising children"
Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman
Family Farce: Purim 5782
How many other foods have achieved the widespread popularity that ketchup has enjoyed for decades?
Yaakov Taub
Personal Accounts
Once the zeman started, the boys who still hadn’t found yeshivos needed to be handled with care Yerachmiel Plaut was leaving shul on the second day of Elul when Nachman Tzuker made a comment that annoyed him. “Finally you get to catch your breath, might as well daven at the nine o’clock minyan, huh? What’s
Mishpacha Contributors
Personal Accounts
This year, this niggun was an anthem because we showed it. He’s always there for us, but this year, we were there for Him too.
Yisroel Besser
Make It Work
Meet five women who’ve found careers that keep them on their feet and in action
Miriam Milstein
Make It Work
Four women who got their dream career down to a science
Miriam Milstein
One Day Closer
“Everyone wants to quit at some point, but if you don’t push yourself, you fall further behind and you’ll soon be off the wagon."
C.S. Teitelbaum
One Day Closer
The Torah tells us that after the death of Aharon’s two sons, “Vayidom Aharon — and Aharon was silent.” “But what about his wife?” asks Baruch. How did she cope?
Baila Rosenbaum
More Encore

Avi was about to say yes. Let me handle it. We’ll settle this easily. Between adults. I got this. Just in time, he caught himself

By Dov Haller


Henny Portman wasn’t going to play a part in a skit that wasn’t faithful to reality

By Dov Haller


“Your big account, Shuey, your biiiiig account… a month past due again. Groisse metziah”

By Dov Haller


“Psshhhh… first choices,” said the boy with one shoe on and one shoe off, and Rabbi Wasser smiled at him indulgently

By Dov Haller


Shuey wanted in. He wanted in badly. But Henny didn’t. They had five children to feed, she reminded him

By Dov Haller


Dovi realized at that moment that his father had come for the sole purpose of asking this question

By Dov Haller