Latest Encore
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
You may not be able to help Rochi but you can help real people
Bracha Stein and Chani Judowitz
“Jacobs, you’re from Baltimore, you probably know real English, write him some good words, come on…” "O oooh mamesh the next Ishay Rebo,” Boruch Zeldman crowed. “Someone needs to get you a black shirt and you’re all set.” “Oh stop it, I just used a few Hebrew words, that’s all.” Chesky Lorb lowered the guitar
Bracha Stein and Chani Judowitz
Street Smarts
In the taxi world, drivers are divided as to whether a “real” nahag uses Waze. For these veterans who know the city’s every highway and byway, the consensus is clear: real drivers don’t rely on it
Yaacov Lipszyc
Street Smarts
Love of the land has been infused in Shuki’s blood since birth; he’s the right man for our challenge
Ariella Schiller
the Places You'll Go
When cabin fever hits, some of the most surprising excursions aren’t too far from your own backyard
Zivia Reischer
the Places You'll Go
When cabin fever hits, some of the most surprising excursions aren’t too far from your own backyard
Riki Goldstein
Teen Feature
Teens' insights on what works, what doesn’t, and how they find and create inspiration in daily life
Bashie Lisker
Teen Feature
We sat down with a few principals from various schools to hear about the ins and outs of their job
Bashie Lisker
Temech Tips
Building strong relationships with your clients or customers
Gvira Milworm
Temech Tips
We see their struggle, the sweat and tears streaking their face, and sometimes feel helpless. How can we lighten their load?
Gvira Milworm
More Encore

“If you don’t have a feel for chinuch, you’re wasting your time. You need those instincts to be effective”

By Dov Haller


In his dreams, Shlomo Bass had envisioned a rebbi figure who would step in and save him

By Dov Haller


Dovi Korman was positioned on top of a large desk, a hand-me-down from the hotel, and he was holding court

By Dov Haller


He was the rosh yeshivah, privy to details others didn’t know. But it was information he couldn’t share, and information he wouldn’t share

By Dov Haller


If the refi didn’t go through, or if his partners didn’t approve it — Avi felt a stab of frustration

By Dov Haller


Faced with the angry doctor, the desperate Boruch, and the dog, Dovi found himself thinking of his father

By Dov Haller