Latest Change of Heart
Change of Heart
Leora Hammer
Change of Heart
Leora Hammer
Change of Heart
Leora Hammer
Change of Heart
Leora Hammer
Change of Heart
Leora Hammer
Off the Eaten Path
Here I’m presenting a combination of my experiences from the Detroit, Michigan, areas — only my favorite parts, of course!
Naomi Nachman
Off the Eaten Path
I spent much of July in France, where I had the opportunity to work for a phenomenal cruise company, Kosher River Cruises
Naomi Nachman
If you ever read any book about love languages, my mother’s picture should be on the opening of the chapter on gift giving
Mattie Weinberg
Fighting for our baby’s every breath, we gained just as much as we gave
C. Saphir
Club Jr.
The diver’s reflex: Fill a basin with ice water and plunge your head in. It works every time! This was getting better and better I spent the next few weeks consulting with specialists and scouring the Internet for information. I needed a plan. I hated the cardioversion — you feel like you’re dying. And I never
Jr. Contributors
Club Jr.
The diver’s reflex: Fill a basin with ice water and plunge your head in. It works every time! This was getting better and better I spent the next few weeks consulting with specialists and scouring the Internet for information. I needed a plan. I hated the cardioversion — you feel like you’re dying. And I never
Jr. Contributors
Shul of My Youth
Rabbi Paysach Krohn remembers the shul of his youth
Baila Rosenbaum
Shul of My Youth
For some reason my father chose to become a member at Dukes Place, and that was our shul
Riki Goldstein
The Gadol Down the Block: Shavuos 5782
Rav Yaakov’s house was the lodestar of our family’s spiritual identity
Mrs. Suri Cohen
The Gadol Down the Block: Shavuos 5782
And then, one Friday night before Succos, the Rav’s home was destroyed in a devastating fire
Moshe Benoliel
More Change of Heart
Change of Heart

The scary part wasn’t the heart thing, and the scary part wasn’t the drugs. The scary part was the vulnerability

By Leora Hammer

Change of Heart

“I feel pretty good,” I lied. “I’m just getting a headache.” A headache was nothing, I hadn’t eaten, I was stressed, I don’t even know why I said it

By Leora Hammer

Change of Heart

I sucked in another breath, somehow I walked to the car. By the time we got to the hospital I could no longer walk

By Leora Hammer