From My Table
I’m always looking for recipes that give me a lot of mileage. They can’t be too time consuming and also have to be exciting for my kids.
Chanie Nayman
From My Table
I finally tried making homemade boba. It’s fun and different to add to drinks!
Chanie Nayman
In Other News
Covid, in addition to causing immense loss of life, disrupted the world’s supply chain of products and services
Omri Nahmias
In Other News
It is clear that the Regents are determined to exert their control over private schools for the first time
Yochonon Donn
Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Oh, no, I thought, Will I allow Goldie to use the silent treatment as a weapon?
Sarah Nimarov
Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Growing up, I knew that it was bad to spend money and sinful to buy things at full price
Rachel Jaffe
Yiddishe Gelt
“We always celebrate birthdays, but we don’t overdo it. It’s all about getting together, learning something, making a hachlatah, making a l’chayim, making a shehecheyanu”
Rochel Burstyn
Yiddishe Gelt
How much do you fork over when dining out?
Mishpacha Readers
Minhag Match-up
Rabbi Feuer brings to life the words of the Iggeres HaRamban in a practical, day-by-day fashion Wven though many of us have been on “summertime” for months already, the season still somehow brings along its own relaxed pace, and a bit more time and tranquility to linger with a good book. This season, we asked
Chanie Apfelbaum
Minhag Match-up
Rabbi Feuer brings to life the words of the Iggeres HaRamban in a practical, day-by-day fashion Wven though many of us have been on “summertime” for months already, the season still somehow brings along its own relaxed pace, and a bit more time and tranquility to linger with a good book. This season, we asked
Chavi Feldman
More Booklists

“Is there a peirush on Chumash you consider indispensable when learning the weekly parshah?”

By Mishpacha Staff


As a teenager, I found myself going back and referencing it again and again

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A secular book with powerful insight into how to live with your neshamah

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Rabbi Feuer brings to life the words of the Iggeres HaRamban in a practical, day-by-day fashion

By Mishpacha Staff