| Quick Q |

When You Go to Siblings for Shabbos, Do You Bring a Gift?

      “When I went alone for Shabbos when I was single, no way. But once I got married it’s gifts galore”

When you go  to your siblings’ house for Shabbos, do you bring along a gift?

I always help with the cooking or baking, but I don’t consider that a gift!

—Happy to help

I remember the first time I went to my sister for Shabbos, my mother called me and said, “Do yourselves a favor and don’t give each other hostess gifts. Otherwise you’ll end up with years of pressure and one-upping. You’re sisters! Presents aren’t necessary.”

—Bracha, Monsey

When I went alone for Shabbos when I was single, no way. But once I got married it’s gifts galore (usually something inexpensive like a new game or book for the kids).

—The favorite aunt

I host family quite often and I actually find it a bit insulting when they come without even a small something. Either offer to bring food or buy even a small $10 bouquet. I always bring something along when I go somewhere, usually even to my parents.

—Malka, NJ



No — we’re  siblings, this is what we do for each other.



Yes, of course — they’re hosting us!


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 873)

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