| The Moment |

The Shul Chairman

The Rebbe himself jumped into action, helping the delivery men unpack and arrange the chairs

AS Woodburne’s frum kehillah enjoys its annual population explosion, Rav Mordechai Jungreis, the legendary Nikolsburger Rebbe, opens up his famous Klal Yisrael Shul. Yidden of all types and stripes are welcomed and encouraged to daven, have a bite, and receive a healthy dose of chizuk from the Rebbe. When a shipment of chairs arrived last week for the outdoor shul, the dozens of mispallelim present were eager to help, but the Rebbe himself jumped into action, helping the delivery men unpack and arrange the chairs. The Rebbe might be busy chairing the shul, but sitting out a chesed opportunity isn’t an option for him.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 920)

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