“I can’t tell him,” he said, lowering his voice. “Because then I have to tell him everything”
“Sorry,” I said. “You’re not the victim here. You’re the adult. As is your ex"
The File contained hundreds of documents, everything Mrs. Rubin thought was “wrong” with her son
I knew he’d been in trouble, but that he’d walked into our program with such a deep-seated mistrust was shocking to me.
He said nothing. He hugged Ben, and they both cried
"He should think you like him, whatever he’s doing”
“That’s not a specialty. It’s a responsibility. He needs a father before he needs a rebbi”
Only minutes before his wedding, he was about to relapse
“I don’t want him home. You were supposed to fix him!”
It looks scary when they scream and fight back. But they’re just little kids in adult bodies, alone and scared
This 15-year-old had been “in and out of rehab” for three years!