I really did not feel bad waking her. But the rest of the bunk was mad at me, too
“Want to have an adventure?” I stopped. What was he talking about? Grabbing my hand, he whispered, “Let’s go. Fast! Before they turn off the lights!”
“Why do you think it’s a time machine?” Sruly asked, one eyebrow raised
"I am a boy, but no one calls me ‘Boy’ as my name, so why are animals called things like ‘Bunny’ if they’re a rabbit or ‘Ketzele’ if they’re a cat?"
Goldy remembered not to jump from excitement; she just jiggled from foot to foot. Finally, they were getting carpet!
I hate being poor. I hate not getting new stuff. I hate comparing myself to my friends who seem to have it all, and I hate that I seem so different.
Chezky’s French accent had made him popular at first. Everyone asked him questions just to hear him talk. Then recess revealed that he couldn’t play baseball
Not only am I worried I won’t even have a party, but please, tell me, how can parents who can’t pay for electricity buy their son tefillin?
If I weren’t so scared I would try to make friends with Shaindy Gellman. I looked down at my paper, horrified, and crossed the words out
The instructions had been crystal clear: His class was to meet in front of the school building at exactly 5:30. But Moshe had lost track of time