Magazine Feature
Child star Bentzy Kletzkin finds advice for life and the upheaval just waiting to happen when his voice changes

By Yaakov Plavinsky

Magazine Feature
Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein is driven by a mission to show that there’s no sweetness like Torah when it’s practical and clear

By Eliezer Shulman and Gedalia Guttentag

Magazine Feature
The Novominsker Rebbe was taken at the moment he was needed most. Three years later, his two sons share their perspective of the rebbe who was a father to so many

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature
Nachi Weinstein, the bibliophile behind the seforim chatter podcast

By Yosef Herz

Magazine Feature
An observant Jew faced warlords and despots in risky territory, but never hid his Jewish identity

By Binyamin Rose

Magazine Feature
What the Traveling Chassidim have learned along the way is that the Jewish neshamah has many ways of being ignited

By Rivka Streicher

Magazine Feature
The best indication that the bodyguards for Israel’s Yom Tov guests are doing their job is that you can’t even tell they’re around

By Rachel Ginsberg

Magazine Feature
Lavi Greenspan went blind at age 26, but the challenge opened new vistas  that he hadn’t seen before

By Barbara Bensoussan

Family Tempo
We didn’t have Haggados for each person, and certainly there were none for children. My grandfather had one, and perhaps the other men as well

By Elana Sotil

The maestros who’ve adopted the new entertainment genre say the energy and sheer joy created in these concerts of unity are their greatest reward

By Riki Goldstein

It was different before the birth, what did he have then? Grainy images, a sound like a horse or a train that they said was a heartbeat, a baby that seemed all Denya’s — and now t ...

By Rivka Streicher

I was tired. And I was tired of asking for miracle

By Ariella Mendel

Your easy and grand achievements are worthy, but your chiyus comes from the areas that you bleed for

By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Teen Feature
Meet Bracha and Rachelli Rosenthal, the unstoppable sisters behind Yummy Blessings and Yummy Blessings 2.0

By Ariella Schiller