Building Dreams
“Yeah, well,” Dovid said. I waited, but he didn’t continue speaking. He just took his yarmulke off his head and twirled it around on his finger
The Moment
Time is of little relevance when chavrusas are bound by a power that exists many eons above time and space
By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
“I always thought Fridays are the day off here in Eretz Yisrael, the day you go out with your husband after a whole week of learning”
All religions have produced martyrs, but none have produced as many as Torah Judaism
Family First Feature
As we wend our way through cities, as we visit distant countries, as we travel and explore, we make unexpected discoveries. Eight stories
By Family First Contributors
Family Tempo
No one was there, aside from me, and it was just voices on the other side of the curtain, cocooning me in a vision only I could see and feel