| The Moment |

Early Rise

Time is of little relevance when chavrusas are bound by a power that exists many eons above time and space

Photo: Eric Raden Shaft

The Lakewood Fellowship is an affiliate of Olami, in which students enrolled in business school, medical school, or kiruv-oriented yeshivos spend their summer breaks in Lakewood, New Jersey. The program includes a night seder after a day of interning at various frum-owned businesses and a more learning-intensive schedule on the weekends. This year, one of the  students in the program, Eric Radens, asked one of the organizers if it was possible to arrange an early-morning chavrusashaft for him. They gladly found him a match  at the 6 a.m. Kollel Ohr Shmuel in Lakewood’s Lutzk Shul. One Friday, Radens mentioned to his chavrusa that he would be headed to his Long Island home for the weekend — but not to worry, he said, because he’d be leaving Long Island on Sunday at 4 a.m, to make sure he was on time for their seder.

Time is of little relevance when chavrusas are bound by a power that exists many eons above time and space.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 925)

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