Magazine Feature
These cities were built to mislead and deceive

By Sivi Sekula

Magazine Feature
 It took a detour through the jungle to bring Asher Fraifeld back home

By Shmuel Friedman

Magazine Feature
Oligarch at risk: Roman Abramovich’s slide from power player to poisoning target

By Tzippy Yarom

The Beat
"It was all worth it — just so that young children can grow up here"

By Gedalia Guttentag

In tribute to Rav Nota Greenblatt

By Shmuel Botnick

The Current
Does Elon Musk’s billionaire buyout give new license to hate speech?

By Mishpacha Contributors

Metro & Beyond
The latest set of rules will have major impacts on how yeshivos have operated in the postwar era

By Yochonon Donn

"That bond to a rav, a kehillah, a second home — it’s something worth sacrificing for"

By Mishpacha Readers

Family First Inbox
"I cannot say this strongly enough: Children who complain about the seatbelt need a booster"

By Family First Readers

Behind the Book
We’re all empowered when we realize we are enough and we have the tools and resources to achieve inner personal greatness

By Riki Goldstein

No Fail
Classes were full, people would refer their friends, students were raving… but was I actually successful? 

By Fay Dworetsky

"If we lose something of ourselves, let's not risk losing everything we still have just to get it back"

By Miriam Aflalo

Spirit and Sparks
I didn't connect. What's blocking my tefillos?

By Baila Vorhand

True Colors
The thing I hated the very most was watching my mother take care of Dani and hurt him so much while she did so

By Chaya Rosen