Magazine Feature
A geneticist and rabbi find our Jewish mothers embedded in our DNA 

By Yaakov Amsalem

Magazine Feature
After his epic failure predicting the New Jersey race, leading pollster Patrick Murray pronounces his craft dead

By Eli Steinberg

The Beat
The open borders of the past are still a thing of the future

By Mishpacha Staff

The Soapbox
This is not about you but about a line of dangerously naive policy that you now spearhead

By Gedalia Guttentag

Knesset Channel
These two driven politicians are now the problem, not the solution

By Gedalia Guttentag

Washington Wrap
“There is a recognition that we are at a critical crossroads”

By Omri Nahmias

The Rose Report
The Biden administration will continue to turn up the heat no matter how gentlemanly Bennett remains

By Binyamin Rose

The Rose Report
Is Nir Hefetz the most damaging witness the prosecution has to offer? 

By Binyamin Rose

Aharon Berk lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he learns in kollel and is a featured wedding and events singer

By Riki Goldstein

Dream On
“Whatever you can give me would be amazing.” ZeeZee held her breath as the secretary began to click on her keyboard

By Gila Arnold

Text Messages
We don’t need to wait to be chosen as a sandek to experience being a Mizbeiach

By Eytan Kobre

A Better You
Just because you don’t know how term insurance works doesn’t mean you can’t ask

By Family First Contributors

One who truly recognizes that everything emanates from Hashem won’t blame others

By Faigy Peritzman

Virtual reality users are immersed in an illusory world, detached from the real world

By Rebbetzin Suri Gibber