The Soapbox
The same outlets that had spent years claiming that Trump was in cahoots with the Russians miraculously managed to disprove these corruption allegations overnight

By Gedalia Guttentag

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Pesach Lerner's battle for tradition

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Rav Shlomo Hoffman spent the better part of a century uncovering the layers of the neshamah and left his tools as a gift to the world

By Menachem Pines

D-Day for MAGA
Pollsters and pundits are writing off President Trump, just as they were dismissive of candidate Trump in 2016. What are the chances that 2020 will be a replay of 2016?

By Binyamin Rose

D-Day for MAGA
I presented the question to a roundtable of askanim and people on the street: Has our community burned bridges with over-the-top demonstrations of support for one party over anoth ...

By Yochonon Donn

D-Day for MAGA
How will next Tuesday’s result affect these treaties? What will become of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? For some predictions, we turned to two former Israeli ambassadors to Wa ...

By Omri Nahmias

D-Day for MAGA
A short tour through some of the conflicts that have defined Trumpworld

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Moment
What about shidduchim? The yeshivah has hundreds of bochurim of marriageable age, and under the guidelines, they aren’t allowed to go out to restaurants or hotel lobbies

By Mishpacha Staff

Outside Chance
Chaim picked up his laffa, then put it down. He seemed to be thinking. “I don’t remember ever making a conscious choice in my life”

By Esther Kurtz

Family Reflections
Teaching respect allows you to teach everything else

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Jr. Feature
Mass transit in general and some of the unusual things that can be seen on any ordinary day, from Lower Manhattan to the high Himalayas

By Yisrael Rutman

Out of Step
The resilience she’s built up from overcoming her pain will help her go so far

By Ariella Schiller

Cut ‘n Paste
Conscious memories begin with fuzzy images ingrained in a very young child’s mind

By Mayer Weinberger

My mother used to make this when I was growing up. It’s a cross between a Sephardi salmon recipe and Ashkenazi gefilte fish.

By Naomi Nachman