Jr. Feature
Famous Business Rivalries

By Malka Winner

Teen Diary Serial
Would the wilderness ever end? Would we ever make it to civilization again?

By Chaya Basra

Story Time
“How dare you try bribing me!” Marat drew his sword in fury

By Y. Bromberg

Building Dreams
“There’s nothing more we can do for him,” Mama whispered through her pain

By Malka Grunhaus

Don’t cry, don’t make a fool out of yourself. Seriously, Mimi, get a grip, it’s just grades.

By Rochel Samet

The Moment
The “mug”elach. It’s rugelach in the shape of a mug

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

Swap the cheese mixture for pareve vanilla ice cream to use this dessert at a fleishig seudah

By Chavi Feldman

The Moment
What can be said to address the unspeakable?

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

Shavuos is the perfect time to connect with nature

By Goldie Stern

Text Messages
Rabbi Wallerstein’s life story holds manifold lessons about what it means to truly care about other Jews

By Eytan Kobre

First of All
I might be out of a job soon, but yes, sisters, I’m fine

By Ariella Schiller