Jr. Feature
This was not simply a submarine. This was an underwater aircraft carrier!

By Sivi Sekula

Story Time
“Am I a common criminal now? Has my duty to the king and the king’s noblemen been all but forgotten?"

By Y. Bromberg

Diary Serial
This is harder for me than for Baylee. She doesn’t have the same drive as me, the same burning urge to star

By Rena Wieder

Building Dreams
“Miriam,” I said, turning to her the moment I came out of the bathroom, “how could you sleep last night?”

By Malka Grunhaus

"And one more thing, Mimi,” Mrs. Stern continues. "From now on, in all my classes, I’d like you to sit in the front row"

By Rochel Samet

The Moment
Rav Reisman conceded that truthfully, these men were the real source of chizuk

By Mishpacha Staff

Know This
Selective mutism is a form of social anxiety. It’s not the same as being shy

By Mindel Kassorla

The Lens
The trip wouldn’t have so much to do with the past, yet everything to do with the present and future

By Dovi Safier

While wontons take ages to fill, I still find them to be convenient for a crowd, since you can do everything in advance and freeze them raw.

By Michal Frischman

Second Dance
Chedva was keeping the rule — the one rule! — sitting in her seat quietly the entire lesson, but she was wrecking everything

By Dov Haller

They’re tastier than the store-bought versions and the flavor options are pretty much endless!

By Faigy Grossmann