Jr. Feature
Nothing says summer like a campfire does. Jr. spoke to three different camps to hear how they make campfires special

By Rochel Samet

From A to Z
“Just leave me alone, Mrs. Adler,” I said. “I don’t want your help.” I swallowed a sob and walked out

By Rikki Baum

Out of the Woods
“What are you—” Elchanan began, but then he heard something. Was that a voice?

By Rochel Samet

The Beat
What’s actually in the bill, why the cries of gevald, and will you still be able to get a Badatz pizza?

By Mishpacha Staff

Dream On
“What’s wrong is that I told her to cancel her enrollment at the university without telling her parents”

By Gila Arnold

The Current
As Israeli-made offensive cyber-tech from the NSO Group is revealed to have targeted world leaders, will Israel’s own edge be blunted by foreign-sales restrictions?

By Eliezer Shulman


By Rochel Levine

Tech Wire
John McAfee created the ubiquitous antivirus software that pops up in the corner of your screen letting you know that it’s expired and your computer is at risk

By Esther Kurtz

Touch Base
Readers responded to our discussion about Eretz Yisrael from more angles than I imagined existed

By Mrs. Batya Weinberg