Jr. Feature
The fantastic life of twins, triplets, and more!

By Malka Grunhaus

Jr. Feature
How could two powerful and thriving ancient Egyptian cities just disappear? Or were they mythical, like the lost ancient city of Atlantis?

By Malka Winner

Jolly Solly
“Let’s do something else,” suggested Fishel. “I know what! Let’s surprise Mr. Krankowitz by weeding the flowerbeds”

By R. Atkins

“You know,” he finally said, “now I see what the difference is between a religious Jew and a non-observant Jew”

By Chaya Rosen

Story Time
“Good luck, Your Majesty.” Matio locked eyes with his brother. “This mission may very well mean the success or death of your rule”

By Y. Bromberg

“You’re right. I can do this. I can be supportive and not crazy competitive,” said Rafi

By Ariella Stern

The girls fist-bumped and smiled smugly. Mali brandished a toothpick. “Kol chassan…” she stage-whispered. Elisheva giggled

By Chaya Rosen

Remember boys, the play is in two weeks. Start practicing tonight!”

By Y. Bromberg

The Moment
A brachah, connected to the Source of brachah

By Mishpacha Staff

Make Her Day
We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories

By Ariella Schiller

Between Brothers
Two of the brothers turned out to be unlikely saviors of Eastern European Jewry during the turbulent years of World War I

By Gedalia Guttentag

Bentzi and the Peacock Feathers
“It’s not fair!” Moishy burst out. “How come everything you say is a great idea, and everything I say you won’t do?"

By Shifra Glick

As we mark one year since the pandemic changed our lives, we asked you to introduce us to your COVID heroes

By Galiah (Morgenstern) Lotwin

Risk Factor
"Freedom is earned. You’re the only person who can give it to yourself”

By Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan