| Story Time |

Twin Destiny: Chapter 5  

“Good luck, Your Majesty.” Matio locked eyes with his brother. “This mission may very well mean the success or death of your rule”


Diego could hardly believe it. Who had heard of a village refusing entirely to pay taxes? And to kill one of his soldiers? To kill one of the king’s own men? Preposterous!

“This had to be dealt with swiftly. But we must be smart.” Diego stroked his beard. “Sending a large battalion will simply give the village too much publicity. I don’t want anyone to know of their rebellion. Copycats would soon follow. I am a new king; my people must know that I have control.”

“Then send forth a small battalion. The village must pay the taxes or they’ll be severely punished!” Matio smacked his fist into his palm. “You are right; no one must learn of the rebellion. Your detractors will use the information to undermine your authority. The citizens will think you are inexperienced and weak. Secrecy must be the key in our response.”

“Yes, exactly.” Diego nodded. “I will send forth soldiers this very day! I will order them to minimize fanfare. They must not attract attention.”

“Good luck, Your Majesty.” Matio locked eyes with his brother. “This mission may very well mean the success or death of your rule.”

Diego’s jaw clenched.

“I know.”


Soldiers were immediately dispatched to the village. Traveling swiftly and without flying their flag, they arrived inside the village. To their shock, the village was empty. Suddenly arrows began flying through the air as the villagers charged from behind their hiding places. Horses screamed and soldiers scrambled to get their weapons out. They were completely taken by surprise; after all, which lowly village would have the audacity to ambush the king’s army?

When the dust had settled, there were 12 soldiers dead and not one life lost among the villagers. The surviving soldiers escaped in shame back to the palace. They reported the grim news to the king and his brother.

Diego pulled Matio into his private chamber and locked the door.

“What is happening here, Matio?” Diego’s face was flushed. “I feel as if a Higher Power is conspiring against us! Only a year into my reign, and the lowly villagers are striking at my empire? Refusing to pay taxes? Spilling the blood of my men? In a storybook this would still not be believed!”

“Something is happening…” Mateo bit his lip. “Our luck is getting worse and worse. First our father was killed in the forest and now this! It seems we are doomed to failure… There can only be one choice left.”

“I am listening.”

“I will go forth with a larger battalion of soldiers. News of the ambush will spread like wildfire. The damage to our family reputation is already done. We cannot stop the information from reaching every corner of the kingdom. At this point, we must now deal a death blow to the entire village. Every one of the traitors must be put to death. This is no longer a mission to collect taxes; we are fighting for the survival of your reign of power.”

“I could not agree more. But perhaps I should go to battle myself? If a statement needs to be made for the entire Spain to witness, nothing more than seeing the king personally punishing the rebellion would do the trick.”

“True, but I fear that would have the opposite effect. If the king in all of his glory must ride into the heat of battle to quell peasants with swords and bows, how weak must the king’s army be? Stay here, and I will go as your emissary. As second-in-command and brother to the king, a message will still be heard around the country. Do not worry; I will not fail you.”

“You never have.” Diego grasped his brother’s shoulders. “Don’t be a hero, Matio. Ride forth with the soldiers if you must, but do not risk your own neck. You’re all I have left in this world. I could not bear the thought of you being taken away from me.”

“Do not worry.” Mateo’s eyes were hard as steel. “I know what I must do. Father always wanted us to be tougher and now we will be. The villagers will be put down without mercy.”


The next day a battalion consisting of one-hundred-and-fifty soldiers descended upon the village. Matio galloped in the back, flanked by two bodyguards bearing aloft the flag of the empire. The villagers were waiting. Screams of warfare pierced the air as the village defended itself against the soldiers. With no regard for their own lives, they threw themselves with fury against the king’s troops. At first it seemed impossible that they could succeed, but in the end they did. Matio barely escaped with his own life. He galloped back to the palace with the surviving soldiers. They only breathed a sigh of relief once they reached the rampart of the palace.

Diego watched from his window as his brother and the surviving soldiers dragged themselves through the palace entrance. A great fury burnt inside his heart. Fear gave away to anger, and the only thing that mattered was putting down the rebellion.

“Give the signal and assemble the army!” Diego roared to his general. “We are going to war! And I, ruler of all Spain, am coming!”


The palace was in a great uproar. Soldiers ran to assemble, swords clanged into sheaths, arrows were stuffed into quivers, and the sound of battle armor clanking filled the air. After many hours, the army was assembled — a glistening sea of armor atop horseback, flags rippling in the late afternoon breeze. A rumble of anticipation spread across the battalions; the excitement and dread of warfare.

Diego raised his sword atop his majestic white horse and led the army forward. As he slowly moved his steed into a gallop, someone appeared on horseback at his side.

“Matio! You do not have to be in front! I am the king, and I must lead my men, but you can and should stay to the safety of the flank!”

“Nay, brother. My place is where it has always been: beside you.”

to be continued…

Y.B. Productions is proud to announce the next exciting installment in the Miser series. The Miser 2, by Yehuda Bromberg, is coming soon to stores near you! Get ready to join Yankel the Miser on another wild, fun-filled and suspenseful adventure!

(Originally featured in Mishpacha Jr., Issue 854)

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