Jr. Feature
we explore a few of the confessions we make and learn a little more about what we are saying to Hashem, our King, who is kind and merciful and helps us to do teshuvah
Jolly Solly
The airport in Peru was on strike. No flights were taking off or landing. Mr. Faigelbaum might not make it home in time for Yom Kippur!
Story Time
The king stopped eating. “You want me to get involved? And what happens if this sorcerer curses me for trying to help you?”
Double Dance
She heard her mother mention her name, and stiffened. Why were her parents talking about her? Rikki leaned closer to the door and stopped breathing, trying to hear through the den ...
50 Reasons
In today’s entry, I’m going to add a bunch of things to my list that fall under the “Only in Israel” category
The Road Home
Somehow, it’s deeply reassuring that the people packing us up are Our People