The Moment
“The Chazon Ish repeated the words ‘makom Torah, makom Torah’ and sat down. That was his entire derashah”
By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
Second Thoughts
Are the real Zionists those who pray hamachazir shechinaso leTzion three times a day, or those who never give a thought to prayer, to G-d, or to Zion?
One person wrote, “Thank you for making Jewish music part of my life again”
Should the upcoming magazine feel like a summer offering, or broadcast the gravity and purposefulness of Elul?
Family First Inbox
“Penny-pinching is a personality trait. It masquerades as principled and frugal. But it has little to do with the economic resources available”
An SUV plowed into the trunk with a crunch that seemed, at the same time, to shake my ivory tower to its foundations