This salad was favored by family members who wouldn’t touch quinoa any other time I made it

By Brynie Greisman

From My Table
The supplement you hold in your hands isn’t meant to add to your to-do list. Instead, our goal is to help you narrow down the options and focus on making a few new dishes

By Chanie Nayman

A Heaping Scoop
What’s your signature Rosh Hashanah round challah shape?

By Family Table Contributors

Nothing makes me contemplate starting a compost more than when I fill an entire garbage can up with greens after two minutes of cleaning a few leeks. Doesn’t stop me from using th ...

By Michal Frischman

Apples combined with cherries in a fabulous pie dough makes for a showstopper of a dessert

By Brynie Greisman

Adding meat to a side dish is always a good way to make sure you’re covered

By Michal Frischman

Seasoning the turkey with original ingredients and condiments which complement the pomegranate juice takes it to a whole new level

By Brynie Greisman

Hot honey is the finishing touch to this masterpiece

By Rivky Kleiman

People most often see NG tubes in babies or elderly people, but sometimes younger people like teens and kids need NG tubes, too

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Family Connections
A person with limerent tendencies can make anyone the object of their obsession

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Story Time
“Rabi Shimon replied with these brave words: ‘My G-d’s decree is more powerful than the decree of your Caesar!’

By Y. Bromberg

Magazine Feature
Yankie Meyer eased the final journey for countless Jews — and never forgot the families they left behind

By Sandy Eller

Magazine Feature
At 101, Yaakov Aharoni is the last surviving shofar blower of an era when sounding the shofar at the Western Wall meant almost certain incarceration by the British

By Yechiel Shoham

Family First Feature
Three women share their stories of struggle, and what they did to reconnect and rebuild happier marriages

By Elisheva Luger