One Day Closer
I figured, I’d already done daf yomi for two and a half cycles; now it was time to move on. So I dropped the shiur and joined the kollel instead.
One Day Closer
With each passing day, the anxiety began to build, and the pessimism began to percolate.
One Day Closer
“Was it really worth it for me to spend an hour trying to even say two lines of Gemara until I figured out what the words are?”
One Day Closer
”If you want the learning you do to really make an impact,” Rav Schorr told the men, “then take one daf and review it 101 times, just like Chazal tell us.’”
One Day Closer
Nothing is forever, my sponsor said. Just take it one day at a time. Don’t obsess about tomorrow. That’s way too big.
One Day Closer
Figuring that daf yomi was for the older generation of serious balabatim, I told myself that maybe I’d start doing the daf in my forties or fifties.