Family First Feature
Scientists know how to teach kids to read. But are our schools using their methods?

By Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz

Family First Feature
Zivia Reischer on why she tells kids’ stories — and what she learned

By Zivia Reischer

Family First Inbox
“When you abuse someone physically, you hurt their body; when you abuse someone spiritually, you destroy their soul”

By Family First Readers

I'm Stuck
I don’t want to antagonize my child’s school — but I know her best

By Faigy Peritzman

Family Tempo
I’ve been teaching for years, but just two days in, I’ve given up

By Bashie Lisker

A Better You
It’s never too early to take steps to prevent tooth decay

By Family First Contributors

Cooking supper for your family is serious business

By Esty Heller

Looking back, I see the power of the past

By Rivka Frankel

Family First Serial
“A parchment that has been inked heavily brings its own message. There is a level of force. I do not appreciate people being forceful with me”

By Leah Gebber

When sending your children off to school, spend that extra bit of time to write an encouraging, funny, or loving message, or make a special supper or craft — the boost can go a lo ...

By Esther Ottensoser

“Sometimes it’s good that there isn’t any key at all, that there’s no hint of salvation”

By Miriam Aflalo

Any breakfast that resembles a popsicle has a lower probability of getting turned down by picky eaters

By Sima Kazarnovsky

Family Connections
Stop naming your child’s feelings, and instead, try naming your own

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Mourning Reb Uri Mandelbaum, legendary principal of the Philadelphia Yeshivah

By Rabbi Henoch Plotnik