Family First Feature
How to make decisions carefully, easily, and successfully

By Malkie Schulman

Family First Feature
Akiva Mandel, his wife, and his daughter speak candidly about the many facets of life with hearing loss

By Musia Slavin

I dare me
I intend to make sure I don’t substitute reading about self-improvement for actually practicing it

By Elisheva Appel

Oh, so now even the weather was her fault?

By Elisheva Appel

Rocking Horse
“You think it’s just in the city? It’s everywhere. Daven, daven, and daven”

By Leah Gebber

She spoke to me like I was a child who didn’t understand her arithmetic. Anuradha grinned smugly

By Esty Heller

Germs are the whole problem. Germs threaten Mommy’s life

By Shifra Margolis

Someone with self-respect cannot be enslaved

By Faigy Peritzman

Jolly Solly
Eli called his usual source of help, Jolly Solly. But Jolly Solly was just as baffled

By R. Atkins

Double Dance
"Tell her no! Be natural like you would be before Chaya came home"

By Bracha Rosman

News In Depth
New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger points a finger at soft anti-Semitism

By Yochonon Donn

Catching up With
Falsely accused of espionage, David Tenenbaum is still seeking closure

By Binyamin Rose

Eye on Europe
If Boris decides to pull the plug on the Iran Deal, and Europe wobbles, Tehran will be the first to get a migraine

By Gedalia Guttentag

Washington Wrap
The regime is in a more perilous position than ever, and its nerves are growing unsteady

By Omri Nahmias