Teen Feature
“Personally, I feel everyone should be competing against themselves, not against each other"

By Sarah Einhorn

Movin on Up
"There is a great way to find answers to all these questions: simply asking my ideal customers what they thought!"

By Shaina Keren

My name is Tova. If you met me, you would never guess that there’s anything wrong

By Leah Greenburg

Teen Fiction
“Role models, my foot. This kid is obsessed, and somebody has to tell her to find friends her own age!”

By Chevy Kepecs

The Rainbow Girl
Maybe that’s the thing with family, they’re so close that it’s hard to see things clearly

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Diary Serial
I’ve snagged an invite to her house. So what if it’s to study and do homework together? I know we’re both looking for a friend

By Malka Winner

Trump barely talks about race, while his adversaries are obsessed with “whiteness” and “white privilege”

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Tzedakah has such power that it can save from death

By Faigy Peritzman

5 out of 10
Every Elul zeman begins ambitiously

By Dovid Bashevkin

Know This
As your daughter’s eim bayit, I’ll tell her the things you forgot to tell her.

By Esther Ilana Rabi

Standing Ovation
Shlomo Hill, since sixth grade you’ve been my inspiration. Yehei zichro baruch

By Dovid Nachman Golding

Earth to Zalmi
I’ll be sitting on a spaceship for five days until I reach Boruch’s planet

By Faigy Gut