Business Casual
“Show hakaras hatov and treat them like family, because they do feed your family and financially support you”

By Sarah Massry

Software Savvy
People often assume these are two names for the same thing. Big mistake

By Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman

Works for Me
“I’m known as a creative person, and am interested in marketing, but also think it might be more responsible to consider law”

By Shaina Keren

Jr. Feature
NASA believes it’s time to revisit the moon

By Sivi Sekula

Jr. Fiction
Smadar looks at Margalit. “What should I write? The Jewish story? The history of the Jews?”

By Malka Winner

Story Time
Sack on his back, forbidden to taste hot food even once during the three years of exile, Reb Meir set off into the unknown

By Y. Bromberg

Washington Wrap
McCarthy's mauling bodes ill for the GOP

By Omri Nahmias

Artisanal bread delivers the taste of sourdough without the hassle of needing a starter.

By Rivky Kleiman

“I’m starting to get tired of society viewing introversion as a disadvantage, while extroversion is looked at as praiseworthy”

By Mishpacha Readers