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Legacy of Blessing:  Issue 944

After Shabbos, some 700 girls lined up in single file to receive brachos


Last week, Shabbos parshas Vayechi, saw the Armon Hotel in Connecticut filled to capacity with girls of shidduch age, who had come to participate in the annual Ohel Sarala convention. Ohel Sarala is an initiative established by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg in memory of their daughter Sarala a”h. The program links girls looking for their shidduch with couples struggling with infertility to daven for each other. To date, they’ve seen numerous miraculous yeshuos.

   Rav Sholom Kamenetsky and Rav Elya Brudny attended the convention, and the two gedolim addressed the many attendees, delivering messages of chizuk and hadrachah. After Shabbos, some 700 girls lined up in single file to receive brachos, and Rav Sholom and Rav Elya stood there for over an hour, bestowing earnest brachos on each and every one of them.

It was parshas Vayechi, when we read about the brachos that Yaakov gave his children. And as the hundreds of bnos Yisrael seeking a yeshuah received their brachos, one could almost hear the echoes of Yaakov Avinu whispering a heartfelt Amen.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 944)

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