| Washington Wrap |

Impeach, or Just Defame?

Will they or won’t they (impeach)? That’s the question everybody’s been asking since the balance of power in Washington shifted. The assumption is that House Democrats will try to vote in favor of impeachment, and the GOP will kill it in the Senate.

But it’s not so simple. Everyone knows full well that without a Senate majority, the Democrats’ move could boomerang, uniting Republicans around Trump ahead of the 2020 elections.

It’s possible the Democrats will try a different tactic: nonstop harassment. Richard Neal will be serving as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, and could demand to see the president’s tax returns. Another “good friend” is Maxine Waters, the first black and first woman to head the House Financial Services Committee; she is expected to inspect the Trump Group’s financial activities. Another key player is Adam Schiff, incoming Intelligence Committee chair, who will be more than happy to hold multiple hearings on the subject of Russian collusion.

But the most significant of all is Jerry Nadler, House Judiciary Committee chair, who will lead efforts to defend Robert Mueller. That multipronged attack is expected to keep Trump in the headlines as we approach the 2020 elections; even if he’s not impeached, he’ll be defamed.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 743)

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