| Washington Wrap |

Goodbye to a True Friend

United States ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s shock resignation is a great loss not only for the American administration, but also for Israel. Haley, formerly the governor of South Carolina, brought attitude and a decidedly nondiplomatic approach to the corridors of the UN, as evinced by one of her most famous quotes delivered to an adoring AIPAC audience, “I wear heels, but it’s not a fashion statement. It’s because if I see something wrong, I’m gonna kick ’em every single time.”

Haley kept her promise, never failing to stick up for Israel in the various UN forums, and often launching aggressive invectives against Security Council and Human Rights Council members for employing a double standard with regards to Israel. In her speeches, Haley would regularly note the disproportionately high number of anti-Israel resolutions, bringing to light the UN’s obsessive, knee-jerk anti-Israel bias.

During her tenure, the US resigned from the UN Human Rights Council as well as from UNESCO, and in both cases, Haley cited anti-Israel bias as a cause.

At the annual AIPAC convention, Haley was hailed as a superstar. While Vice President Mike Pence was given a warm welcome at one convention I attended, Haley brought the house down.

The United States has had many pro-Israel UN ambassadors over the years, but I’ll venture that none were as consistent in their defense of the Jewish state as Haley. Even if Haley’s replacement employs the identical policy, it’s hard to believe anyone will be able to defend Israel’s interests with the same fervor and single-mindedness. She will be sorely missed.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 731)


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