Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan serves as mashgiach ruchani at Yeshiva High School of Cleveland. He is a Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) who currently maintains a private practice, and does motivational speaking and community education on addiction all over the US and Israel.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Risk Factor
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
He played with his straw. “What’s the right way to run away?”
Risk Factor
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
"I'm just trying not to think about it. And they keep bringing it up to me! Why are they doing this?!”
Risk Factor
Sunday, April 05, 2020
Mommy, I tried to be there. Please tell Abba that 500 miles and quarantine is nothing for a Bivhilu
Risk Factor
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
"I know others who have also wanted to give up, but I want you to know they made it out"
Risk Factor
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
“I can’t do it,” he said. “I’m too embarrassed.” He was staring at me defiantly
Risk Factor
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
“I can’t tell him,” he said, lowering his voice. “Because then I have to tell him everything”
Risk Factor
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Waiting means building a relationship without a single ulterior motive
Risk Factor
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
“Sorry,” I said. “You’re not the victim here. You’re the adult. As is your ex"
Risk Factor
Wednesday, February 05, 2020
"You cannot believe that your life is worthless because you’re not married”
Risk Factor
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
"I’ve seen this in boys before. They always go bad”
Risk Factor
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
The File contained hundreds of documents, everything Mrs. Rubin thought was “wrong” with her son