Family First SerialTuesday, September 13, 2022Half Note: Episode 14 So she wasn’t making it up. Her mother-in-law did think she was an irresponsible spendthrift. But she wasn’t. Was she?
Tech WireTuesday, September 06, 2022Cool Combo Combine related PDFs into one document so you can look like you have it together
Family First SerialTuesday, September 06, 2022Half Note: Episode 13 Part of her knew she was rambling, and made no logical sense. The other part believed every word she said as truth
Family First SerialTuesday, August 30, 2022Half Note: Episode 12 It seemed that out of town, you invited people to seudos to make friends, and not the other way around
LifeTakesTuesday, August 30, 2022A Long Way HomeAnd then I wondered, did I just lose all credit for driving?
Family TempoTuesday, August 23, 2022Ezras Nashim for OneNo one was there, aside from me, and it was just voices on the other side of the curtain, cocooning me in a vision only I could see and feel
Family First SerialTuesday, August 23, 2022Half Note: Episode 11 The past few weeks of loneliness melted from Shira’s mind. She and Ephraim, working together. He was going to get an A
Family First SerialTuesday, August 16, 2022Half Note: Episode 10 Shira wanted to ask how much, but knew she couldn’t. How much did it cost to live; how much money was giving her peace of mind. She had no clue
Family First SerialTuesday, August 09, 2022Half Note: Episode 9 The first incident was in the kitchen on the tiles. Clarissa’s face said it all. She was sweet, but sick kids were not in her job description
Tech WireTuesday, August 09, 2022Bluetooth Just Got BetterBluetooth Sig, the community of developers for Bluetooth technology, isn’t resting on its laurels
Family First SerialTuesday, August 02, 2022Half Note: Episode 8 “I always find it fascinating how people can find pleasure in things I loathe,” her mother-in-law finished