Standing OvationWednesday, October 02, 2019Pray for UsWe owe these baalei tefillah a great debt of gratitude, for they are the ones responsible for setting the tone for our prayers
Standing OvationWednesday, August 28, 2019A Possible MissionShlomo Hill, since sixth grade you’ve been my inspiration. Yehei zichro baruch
Standing OvationWednesday, August 07, 2019A Niggun to Greet MashiachBefore long it became the classic “Ani Maamin”
Standing OvationWednesday, July 17, 2019One Way to Look At ItHearing them live was the best consolation of all
Standing OvationWednesday, June 19, 2019Play the Night AwayMay we all share simchahs, no strings attached!
Standing OvationWednesday, May 01, 2019Much More Than the ChazRemembering Sherwood (Shimon) Goffin a”h
Standing OvationTuesday, January 08, 2019Megama Had the MagicRemembering Moshe Yess a”h and Shalom Levine a”h