FamilyTable Feature
You may be experiencing either an “Idea Flow Mismatch,” or a series of “Post-Honeymoon Phase” episodes Hi, I’ve been at a job for the past two years, and another for two years before that… and another for two years before that. Once again, I’m starting to get that familiar itch and feeling really uncomfortable in
Danielle Renov
FamilyTable Feature
I served this soup to my guests last Succos, and it was a huge hit! It does require some advance prep work
Naomi Nachman
Follow Me
I don’t know about you, but with the completion of Follow Me, I’m breathing a tremendous sigh of relief
Esty Heller
Follow Me
She appreciated her husband’s spirit, but couldn’t there be a balance? An unassuming desk job, with some side passion as an outlet?
Esty Heller
The Vacancies writers fill in the holes behind the scenes
Family First Contributors
Those three women and their perfect stores, perfect lives, and a dance studio, it’s perfect, I can’t believe we didn’t think of it before!
Rochel Samet
5 to 9
As we wrap up this column (for now), the team at Mishpacha felt that the best possible candidate for a final interview would be me
Moe Mernick
5 to 9
"Writing a book when you’re depressed is one serious challenge. But I knew it had to be done, that it was something that could benefit the tzibbur"
Moe Mernick
There’s a direct line between what went on since the November elections, and the political violence that shook Washington, D.C. on January 6
Gedalia Guttentag
At the very moment when mankind is advanced enough to grapple with Artificial Intelligence, gene editing and quantum computing, we’re totally defenseless against a virus - except for a cloth over our face
Gedalia Guttentag
More Works for Me
Works for Me

The challenge that any career-changer has is landing that first job

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

Asking, “Are there any medical careers that could satisfy both of us?” begs for mediocrity

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

Let’s start by taking some of the fear out of the interview process

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

“Don’t let math get in your way if everything else matches up”

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

One of the toughest parts of making a career transition like this is proving that your experience is indeed valuable

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

“If you’ve survived a divorce, and you’ve spent years raising a family, most jobs will be a lot easier than that”

By Shaina Keren