All I Ask
Soon after the first chapters were published, the questions and doubts came
Ruti Kepler
All I Ask
Tell him. Right now. Say the words Dad asked you to say. Just say it! Quick, before it’s too late!
Ruti Kepler
In the Numbers
“I’m known as a creative person, and am interested in marketing, but also think it might be more responsible to consider law” I’Ma 29-year-old bored accountant. Yup, I’ve become the stereotype, and it wasn’t by accident. When I started out, I wanted a career that would give me a secure salary. Accounting has given me
Boaz Bachrach
In the Numbers
“He said you will definitely have two children, maybe even three.”
Rabbi Akiva Fox
Branding Together
Seeing Calmin’ Ground’s website finally going live was an incredibly rewarding experience for everyone involved
Sandy Eller
Branding Together
The transformation of the Lowensteins’ farm was really starting to take shape
Sandy Eller
Plate art
With so much fish being served over Yom Tov, here’s a pretty yet simple plating idea.
Esther Ottensoser
Plate art
Here are a few special touches that will enhance your Yom Tov table
Esther Ottensoser
“I’m known as a creative person, and am interested in marketing, but also think it might be more responsible to consider law” I’Ma 29-year-old bored accountant. Yup, I’ve become the stereotype, and it wasn’t by accident. When I started out, I wanted a career that would give me a secure salary. Accounting has given me
Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen
It’s extremely awkward for me to write this question to a women’s magazine, but for various reasons, I can’t go for help, and the lack of real respect and deeper connection in my home bothers me terribly,
Bassi Gruen
More Works for Me
Works for Me

Friends are encouraging me to open a business, but I don’t even know where to get started

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

You may be experiencing either an “Idea Flow Mismatch,” or a series of “Post-Honeymoon Phase” episodes

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

The challenge that any career-changer has is landing that first job

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

Asking, “Are there any medical careers that could satisfy both of us?” begs for mediocrity

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

Let’s start by taking some of the fear out of the interview process

By Shaina Keren

Works for Me

“Don’t let math get in your way if everything else matches up”

By Shaina Keren