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Every Soul a World
Mishpacha Contributors
Podcast: Mars & Venus Leave Egypt
Miriam Kosman
Podcast: Ask Sarah Chana
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Podcast: Mars & Venus Leave Egypt
Miriam Kosman
Podcast: Ask Sarah Chana
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Man With a Pan
I love to cook, so pulling off a full Shabbos should be easy, right?
Rabbi Aharon Nikop
Man With a Pan
A true father-in-law/son-in-law bonding experience
Shia Klein and Zevi Berkovich
Teen Serial
“Meeting Shan’s mother feels more like a job interview with a boss who already hates you”
Ariella Schiller
Teen Serial
Hashem, I whisper, please help me. I have no idea what to do. I don’t want to hurt anybody. And I’m just really, really tired
Ariella Schiller
#In A Word
The strong trees protruding through the snow and the sun shining through the shadows are a reminder to me that Hashem always provides us with strength and warmth in the coldness of life
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
If I had to describe the atmosphere at this dinner in Wiesenthal's honor, I would say it was this overwhelming sense of “we have won”
Mishpacha Contributors
Behind the Book
Against the backdrop of the California Gold Rush, life on a Louisiana plantation, and Cherokee clan rivalries, the characters struggle with their own family dramas and dilemmas
Riki Goldstein
Behind the Book
M. Kenan shows her versatility as an author, crossing cultural worlds with integrity while remaining in the modern age
Riki Goldstein
Oasis in Time
As we return to the mundane, Havdalah reminds us to differentiate 
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
Oasis in Time
Disconnected from dollars and cents, Shabbos is still the source of all profit
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
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For all those who grumble about the cookie cutter, then, that’s it: the cutter, for the time being, is no more. (photo: Flash90) Wedded to our ways? E arly on in Israel’s lockdown, a corona wedding took place on our doorstep – much to the delight of all the cooped-up families within earshot. A couple

By Gedalia Guttentag


When unusual hardship comes along, there’s a chance to press reset. What emerges can be tougher, more resourceful, focused and meaning-seeking people than before.

By Gedalia Guttentag

Web Exclusive

I am doing what I do naturally, which is to turn to words and express my feelings and frustrations and fears and thoughts and prayers.

By Ahava Ehrenpreis

Podcast: The Rose Report

LISTEN Binyamin Rose breaks down Super Tuesday takeaways, and what lies ahead

By Binyamin Rose

Podcast: The Rose Report

Initial election results explained: What we know, what we don’t know, and what might happen next

By Binyamin Rose

Podcast: Knesset Channel

LISTEN: Join Gedalia Guttentag as he speaks to voters at the polls in Israel’s key swing areas

By Gedalia Guttentag