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Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
TLC Podcast
Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
True Account
Would I be doomed to carry my traumatic childhood into the next generation?
Miriam Bloch
Second Thoughts
An abuse and a cheapening of the institution of presidential pardons
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Veiled Reference Podcast
Glikl of Hameln is a familiar and beloved character to Jewish history enthusiasts. In this episode, we dive beneath the surface of Glikl’s words to deeply appreciate the forces at play for women of her era. In conversation with Professor Elisheva Carlebach. Dr. Carlebach is the Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish History, Culture, and Society, at Columbia University.  
BONUS MINIPOD: Shabtai Zvi, Birkas Kohanim, and the Path Away from the Kosel
Tzipora Weinberg
Veiled Reference Podcast
The Silent Strength of Joanna of Burgos Joanna is a name most people won’t recognize, but her story is one for the ages. This episode describes one woman’s faith under fire, in the aftermath of the 1391 massacres in Spain, and the ways women kept their faith throughout the years of the Spanish Inquisition. In conversation with Yael Krumbein. Yael teaches European History at Touro College’s Lander College for Women in New York City and Jewish history at Bais Yaakov Machon Ora High School in Passaic, NJ   MINI-POD: The Rivash and the Chasid Yavetz on women's challenges and triumphs in Spain, 1391-1492
Tzipora Weinberg
In His Own Words
Florist Amerique Ashear of Lakewood is happy to share his tips
Yosef Herz
redo and renew
On our first ever episode, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss the burning questions parents have about raising their children. Is there any validity to the opinion that forcing middle school boys to go to shul on Shabbos is the way to go? When your child reports "facts" that don't line up with that the
Malkie Gordon-Hirsch
redo and renew
On our first ever episode, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss the burning questions parents have about raising their children. Is there any validity to the opinion that forcing middle school boys to go to shul on Shabbos is the way to go? When your child reports "facts" that don't line up with that the
Michal Frischman
Etched in Memory: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Sometimes there are events so monumental they’re perfectly preserved as a snapshot, never forgotten. 5 readers share the moments forever
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TLC Podcast

In part two of this important topic, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield continue their discussion about gemara with Rav Aaron Lopiansky.

How do you reconcile the Torah’s view of the age of the world with the theories that the scientific community suggest? How should we be teaching children that eisav soneh Yaakov practically, when they might have regular interactions with the umos haolam?

And the BIG QUESTION: How do we relay to boys who are struggling with gemara that they are as equally as important as the metzuyanim?


By Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield

TLC Podcast

On our first ever episode, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss the burning questions parents have about raising their children.
Is there any validity to the opinion that forcing middle school boys to go to shul on Shabbos is the way to go? When your child reports “facts” that don’t line up with that the teacher says, who do you believe?

And the BIG QUESTION: Is it possible my son is not cut out for Gemara?

By Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield