Cut ‘n Paste
“So, the religious guy who was meant to debate the issue with us didn’t show up. Could you speak in his place?”
Off the Couch
“Of course, he’ll cooperate with you, Dr. Freedman. He’s heard about you and is convinced you’re Eliyahu Hanavi”
Second Thoughts
How kippot and yarmulkes came to be regarded as identification badges is a mystery
Double Take
“I’m not sure how many clients will be happy to give their names. I mean, it’s a bit of a personal thing, you know, having used a home organizer…”
Shul with a View
Those in the know were shocked to their core yet remained physically paralyzed. All except for Mendele Kirchenfeld
Second Thoughts
The last mishnah in Sotah (49b), depicting a topsy-turvy world just before the final Redemption, has come true