On Site
“I wanted to make these mitzvos as beautiful, as halachically acceptable, and as comfortable as possible”
Day in the Life
“At first I called it the Shoel Umeishiv hotline, but a lot of boys don’t know what a shoel umeishiv is, so we changed it to Dial-a-Rebbi”
Cut ‘n Paste
Through it all my father remembered his promise, what he’d taken upon himself on that long ago night of mourning on a hilltop
Shul with a View
“The words of the Kaliver Rebbe penetrated my heart. If he could be b’simchah, so could I”
Off the Couch
“You maligned us! You broke our confidentiality! You terrible, terrible man!”
Double Take
“We keep our religion quiet at the office — why are you rocking the boat?”