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Cottage Cheese as Dessert

Photography by Beth Warren

In my early memories, cottage cheese was a peculiar spread my mother would pair with cinnamon-flavored graham crackers for lunch. Fast-forward to today, and cottage cheese has transformed into a versatile ingredient that surprises in various dishes. With claims of being a nutritional powerhouse, is cottage cheese the missing miracle ingredient that not only enhances flavor but also boosts nutrition intake? And for those who have yet to embrace it in their culinary adventures, where does one begin?

With Shavuos coming up, now is the perfect time to experiment with this low-lactose, high-protein ingredient. This recipe is so versatile! Keep it basic for a delicious breakfast “yogurt,” add some crunch for a snack, or enhance the sweetness for a dessert. Try all three ways and see what keeps your taste buds dancing!

Cottage Cheese Chocolate Mousse


  • 1 10-oz (280-g) container cottage cheese
  • ⅔ cup cocoa powder
  • ½ cup sweetener of choice
Chocolate Ganache
  • 2 oz (55 g) dark chocolate
  • ⅛ tsp coconut oil
  • 2–4 Tbsp almond milk, unsweetened (or any milk or cream)
  • hazelnuts, crushed (optional)

Mix all mousse ingredients in a high-speed blender or food processor for about 1 minute until fully combined and smooth. Pour into 4-oz (110-g) mason jars, leaving 14–1 inch
(1–212 cm) on top. Chill for at least 2 hours for best taste and consistency.

If making the ganache, heat all ingredients over medium heat while whisking continuously. Pour some ganache over the top of the chilled mousses. Chill for at least 2 more hours. Sprinkle the crushed hazelnuts on top, if desired.

If desired, fully freeze these mousses for a delicious sorbet!


Quality brands for all ingredients make a difference!

Using low-fat cottage cheese, monk fruit powder, 70% dark chocolate, and unsweetened almond milk will result in a healthier, lower sugar, and low-calorie option.

Using full-fat cottage cheese will result in a creamier mousse.

I tested this recipe with maple syrup. If you use a dry sweetener such as monk fruit for less calories and sugar, make sure it’s in powdered form and add only 14 cup or you will taste the granules.


(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 893)

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