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Story Time
Y. Bromberg
Story Time
Y. Bromberg
Story Time
Y. Bromberg
Story Time
Y. Bromberg
Story Time
Y. Bromberg
F is for Friendship
“But, but….” I sounded like the sputtering last cup of soda in a slush machine. “That doesn’t make any sense,” I finally said
Ruchama Schnaidman
F is for Friendship
Tzivi wasn’t the writer, I thought. I glanced around the classroom. That left twenty-two other girls. Well, twenty-one because it wasn’t Penina
Ruchama Schnaidman
Teen Fiction
Honestly, I felt the world had enough color in it, and didn’t need me messing up its palette
Miriam Bodner
Teen Fiction
We were the picture-perfect family, Mommy, Daddy, and me
Aliza Field
What I’m Holding On To
“Just toss it!” is the rallying cry of these weeks. But some items we simply can’t bring ourselves to discard. 9 writers share
Faigy Peritzman
What I’m Holding On To
“Just toss it!” is the rallying cry of these weeks. But some items we simply can’t bring ourselves to discard. 9 writers share
Cindy Scarr
Family Farce: Purim 5783
If you’re a guy and you have a wife, you already know most of what I’m going to tell you
Esty Heller
Family Farce: Purim 5783
Not everything my mother writes about Yitzi means that I actually did it
Yitzi Peritzman
On the House
“I... how often are you thinking of hosting events like these? I mean, they’re wonderful, and they do bring in business, it’s just... whatever”
Faigy Schonfeld
On the House
She had so many ideas, so much passion — and she was going to funnel it all into a random project that meant nothing to anybody
Faigy Schonfeld
More Story Time
Story Time

“’If you agree to join my men in battle and fight side by side with us, I will allow you to return to the land of your people and rebuild your temple’

By Y. Bromberg

Story Time

“Rabi Shimon replied with these brave words: ‘My G-d’s decree is more powerful than the decree of your Caesar!’

By Y. Bromberg

Story Time

 “Tell us what you are thinking, R’ Shmuel,” said R’ Avigdor. “I see that something is going through your mind right now”

By Y. Bromberg

Story Time

“He has forgotten the most enjoyable pastime of his predecessors – tormenting the Jews”

By Y. Bromberg

Story Time

“It’s the insignia of the Russians! The soldiers were likely not coming at behest of the poritz, but perhaps to fight the poritz!”

By Y. Bromberg

Story Time

You have to really, truly believe that Hashem is watching your every move, and that in the end, only His opinion of you truly matters

By Y. Bromberg