Latest Sidekick
Esty Heller
Hadassa Swerds
Sarah Moses Spero
Gila Arnold
Hadassa Swerds
Washington Wrap
With 2024 race beginning, these issues will dominate
Omri Nahmias
Washington Wrap
How quickly will US allies forget American snooping? 
Omri Nahmias
Food that Packs
I pack for sunny days, for windy days, for Wednesdays in July with a touch of rain We’re finally here, and I’m taking deep, relaxing breaths because the dust has mostly settled and I’m now sipping an iced coffee, sort of calm and Zen-ish. I almost don’t recognize the person I’m writing about, namely, Me
Rivky Kleiman
Food that Packs
I pack for sunny days, for windy days, for Wednesdays in July with a touch of rain We’re finally here, and I’m taking deep, relaxing breaths because the dust has mostly settled and I’m now sipping an iced coffee, sort of calm and Zen-ish. I almost don’t recognize the person I’m writing about, namely, Me
Rivky Kleiman
“Think over what? This sounds awesome! I’d love to be your assistant coach!” Rafi exclaimed
Ariella Stern
About one hour, a few X-rays, and one soda can later, Rafi was finally able to get some answers
Ariella Stern
I pack for sunny days, for windy days, for Wednesdays in July with a touch of rain We’re finally here, and I’m taking deep, relaxing breaths because the dust has mostly settled and I’m now sipping an iced coffee, sort of calm and Zen-ish. I almost don’t recognize the person I’m writing about, namely, Me
Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen
It’s extremely awkward for me to write this question to a women’s magazine, but for various reasons, I can’t go for help, and the lack of real respect and deeper connection in my home bothers me terribly,
Bassi Gruen
Build your best
I pack for sunny days, for windy days, for Wednesdays in July with a touch of rain We’re finally here, and I’m taking deep, relaxing breaths because the dust has mostly settled and I’m now sipping an iced coffee, sort of calm and Zen-ish. I almost don’t recognize the person I’m writing about, namely, Me
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Build your best
Read these tips, and prepare to up your cutlet game.
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
More Sidekick

Some things — some really annoying exceptional-case things — do not appreciate the time they’re given

By Esty Heller


I know that you know that I know that you know that we’re all just doing the best we can over here

By Hadassah Swerds


Can you navigate simchahs without losing your mind, your dignity, and your toes?

By Nechama Gutwein


Sefirah comes every year; there’s a reason why we’ve accumulated 14 years of unsorted photos

By Esty Heller


Nostalgia lives on some of those hangers, along with a haze of dust

By Sarah Moses Spero


“My sister’s coworker knows a boy. He’s single.” “That’s exactly what Nechama’s looking for!” says Tatty

By Nechama Gutwein