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Esther Kurtz
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Esther Kurtz
Center Stage
Gila Arnold
No Fail
The contract was going to be our big break — and then it fell through
Fay Dworetsky
No Fail
I was in way over my head, yet I kept letting others down
Fay Dworetsky
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On Purim, Esther Hamalkah reminds us of the strength that lies in silence
Esther Ilana Rabi
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What triggers and exacerbates self-consciousness — and how can you overcome it?
Miriam Bloch
Gabriella fingered the cream silk jacquard curtain in Rina’s living room and frowned. “Elegant,” she conceded, “but it might let in too much light. I’ll have to check with Connor.” Rina tossed her head with a flash of annoyance that Gabriella had no trouble reading: What gives you the right to step into my home
Faigy Grossmann
Cooking School
Like water cooler talk for housewives
Danielle Renov
Cooking School
Does It Really Matter If My Stovetop Is the Right Temperature?
Danielle Renov
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Biden and Trump, two unliterary leaders
Tevi Troy
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The Gatekeeper's Daughter

Tzorty. The only other seamstress in the neighborhood. Funny, that. What are the odds they would live so close, all these years later?

By Esther Teichtal

Shared Space

Melberg was pleasant and friendly, not too much of a know-it-all as to be irritating, but assertive enough that most of the members knew who he was

By Dov Haller

Center Stage

Rina waved her hand airily. “Who said anything about budget? This one is on my husband. Always fun to have an excuse to redecorate”

By Gila Arnold

The Gatekeeper's Daughter

She is assaulted instead by the smell of frying onions and faint undertones of bleach. Ah, well. This is Jerusalem, not Teplidskai

By Esther Teichtal

Shared Space

“I’m not happy, Malky,” he said finally. “I thought this would be our trip. We can use it, no?”

By Dov Haller

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Right, that’s why I forget supper — because I don’t usually eat it. We’re married two months already, I have to get into this supper thing

By Esther Kurtz